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The preparation and allocation of safe and high-
quality potable water is one of the major challenges for the future in many regions of the world.


Nearly all industrial applications need water for cooling, processing or washing with a wide range of quality requirements.

The raw water for such applications is usually surface water (from rivers, lakes, reservoirs or the sea), and sometimes well water. It is generally possible to produce a full range of process water qualities from any raw water source.

Today’s challenge is to design and realize reliable and safe treatment technologies that provide maximum efficiency for a minimum of operation expenditure.

This requires best use of plant capacity at a limited CO 2 footprint as well as low production of wastewater. In many places around the world, even zero-discharge options must be considered.

With these objectives in mind, CAMIX engineers and specialists are able
to make use of all technologies and processes adhering to current standards.

They design the most economical solution with an eye to reducing both
capital and operational costs.

CAMIX  offers  industrial  process water treatment plants for all types
of industries, focusing on foodstuff processing factories, as well as seafood processing factories, wineries, breweries and drink factories...


Environmental pollution is increasing, especially in the
developing countries. Consequently, the treatment of
wastewater (sewage) prior to its discharge into rivers,
lakes or into the sea is a global priority.

Municipal and industrial wastewater carries biological and chemical contaminants that must be removed. National and international standards for wastewater effluents are in place to protect people and the environment.

Municipal wastewater containing only human contaminants generally can be treated biologically, whereas industrial wastewaters differ widely in composition based on their provenance. Design of an optimal treatment technology and plant requires intensive study of the characteristics of the wastewater.

Wastewater treatment usually produces residues such as concentrates, grit and sludge, which require further treatment. A viable and prudent plant design and realization includes minimizing these residues as well as optimizing their treatment.

CAMIX offers the full range of technologies and processes for treating municipal and industrial wastewaters.


The use of effluents from sewage-treatment plants
as process water (e.g. for irrigation) can be a good
and cost-effective alternative to preparing process
water from well or surface water.

From a technological point of view, it would be possible to increase the use of sewage treatment plant effluents by adding a few additional processing steps and thus upgrading the quality of the treated water.

Applications of the technology include cooling water and make- up water for air-conditioning systems, among others.

In arid regions, where potable water is produced from seawater and used for such applications, wastewater re-use could reduce capital and operational costs.

In regions with limited sources of potable water, wastewater re-use could save water and thus extend the availability of natural water.

For industrial wastewaters, this approach implies higher efficiency and lower costs of operation. Reusing wastewater would lessen demand for raw water.

CAMIX focuses on municipal and industrial wastewater recycling and the treatment of produced water to realize the highest-quality product water.

Application of water treatment technologies depends on the quality of the raw water and can range from individual, basic treatment processes such as disinfection to highly sophisticated and complex treatment units consisting of several consecutive treatment stages.

Potable water production from polluted sources including rivers or reservoirs with elevated microbiological, biological and chemical contamination requires highly advanced and developed treatment processes.

Potable water originating from high-saline sources such as brackish water or sea water requires desalination processes that involve special pre-treatment processes.

CAMIX is experienced in all the modern and cost-saving technologies, treatment steps and processes that constitute state-of-the-art potable water preparation.

Based on the experience and track record of CAMIX engineers and specialists, we can provide solutions to meet any need for potable water preparation.

Many well-known and proven processes could be further developed and optimized, which enables us to offer even more sophisticated and advanced technologies.

CAMIX supplies custom-designed and containerized plants tailored to the specific needs of the client. We can supply advanced processes or conventional technologies.

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